Never Store Eggs in This Part of Your Fridge

Eggs in the refrigerator panel
Simply Recipes / Getty Images

Our last refrigerator had a cute egg bin inside the door. It kept eggs nice and organized and I could always see easily when the supply was getting low.

Our current fridge doesn’t have that feature, and that’s probably a good thing, say the experts. The refrigerator door isn’t the ideal spot to keep eggs fresh and safe.

“People love to store eggs in the refrigerator door in fun egg crates, but that’s not the best place,” says Jeanine Flaherty, vice president of food safety and quality assurance for Vital Farms, which offers eggs from pasture-raised hens. She says eggs should be kept in the coldest place in the refrigerator to maximize freshness.

The door is the warmest area in the refrigerator, so a shelf is a much safer choice. “The refrigerator door varies in temperature as people open and close it, so, you want your eggs stored closer to the back of the refrigerator where the temperature is consistently cold to avoid any bacterial growth or spoilage.”

The Safe Temperature for Storing Eggs

“Whole, uncooked eggs are best kept in an environment that is consistently cool in order to maintain their freshness and safety,” says Zachary Cartwright, Ph.D., lead food scientist at AQUALAB by Addium, and a member of the Institute of Food Technologists's food safety and quality management division.

The recommended storage temperature for eggs is around 40°F (4°C), so it’s a good idea to use a refrigerator thermometer to ensure this temperature is being reached and maintained, especially for refrigerators with multiple temperature zones.”

The Reason It’s Important To Store Eggs Safely

Bacteria can grow on eggs stored in temperatures above 45°F (7°C).

“When eggs are stored incorrectly and temperatures fluctuate, condensation forms on the eggshells, further encouraging the growth of these bacteria if they are present on the surface,” says Cartwright. “Although the exterior of an eggshell is porous, eggs also have membranes that prevent the entry of bacteria. However, any cracking or damage to the egg can encourage the bacteria to enter the egg.”

“There’s never zero risk with raw food like eggs. If stored properly, your eggs should last three to five weeks in your refrigerator from the pack date, but you should always refer to the ‘best by’ date to ensure freshness,” says Flaherty.

“My rule of thumb: If it looks or smells bad, or they’ve been left out of the refrigerator for an extended period, don’t use them.”

Someone taking eggs out of their carton near the fridge
Simply Recipes / Getty Images

Should You Keep Eggs in Their Carton?

Although an attractive egg container or bright bowl might be tempting, they’re not the best storage solution.

“I love a cute egg crate, but eggs are best kept in their carton,” says Flaherty. “A closed carton protects the porous shells from any potential contamination.”  

Cartwright adds that the original carton helps keep eggs safe by protecting against temperature changes. “It also works as a barrier to prevent the absorption of unwanted odors from other foods in the refrigerator,” he says. “Additionally, the carton helps to maintain a more consistent humidity around the eggs, which is important for their freshness.”
